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22nd September 2021 Towngate News

It’s Back! Towngate and Schofield Sweeney’s Corporate Tennis Tournament – Here’s The Winners

By Julia Ford

Thursday 9th September 2021 saw the welcome return of the Schofield Sweeney & Towngate’s Corporate Tennis Tournament, held at the Huddersfield Lawn Tennis Club.

This was a fantastic day and for the most part, the weather was kind to us. It was wonderful to see friends and colleagues in a social setting at last, whilst undertaking a fun competition and enjoying delicious food.

Congratulations to the winners; Richard Fraser of Carter Towler, and our very own Edward Smith-Beacham.

Congratulations also to the runners up and the spot prize winners.

A special thank you to Julie and Becky at the Huddersfield Lawn Tennis Club who, as usual, did an excellent job for us and Bill who really was a first class bar man for the day!

A quick plug for Guest Dining – the food was complimented by all and we would strong recommend! View their website here >>

We’re looking forward to some more events in the near future and hopefully seeing a few more faces which we’ve missed over the last 18 months!