Ajaz Hussain, business and marketing associate at UBU Environmental Ltd (UBU), is next in the hot seat for our supplier Q&A. If you’re keen to learn more about Ajaz — including his role responsibilities, advice for fellow industry experts, and love for challenging sports — keep scrolling.
I’m a business and marketing associate at UBU, currently undertaking a year in industry through Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). My role is diverse, and includes overseeing and creating content for our social media channels, PR and media relations, developing the company newsletter, maintaining and improving our website exposure, and aiding in company campaigns.
A key highlight has been the addition of the UBU bespoke road sweepings recovery treatment plant. This pioneering facility is what allows us to transform the waste we get from our customers’ sites and separate it into aggregates, sand, and PAS 115 waste-derived soils. UBU is constantly innovating to combat waste, driving circular economy solutions for materials that would otherwise end up in landfill.
Continued investment in Euro 6 compliant road sweepers and further development of end-of-waste processes. UBU has also partnered with MMU and GM Business Growth Hub to calculate its own carbon footprint, looking at the benefits of using recovered materials for urban tree growth.
Street waste has no future use.
One piece of advice is to always keep an eye on innovation within the industry. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and prepare for volatility.
The best advice I have received is to always plan ahead and become a lifelong learner. No matter what stage of your career you are at, learning new skills never stops.
I think environmental recovery and compliance will be a big focus for our customers’ KPIs.
I have started playing tennis — which I’m finding really fun and challenging — so that would be my first choice. I also recently started running this year, and am taking part in the Peak District Ultra Challenge next June, doing the 25km Bakewell loop. I’m doing the race in support of the amazing Polycystic Kidney Disease Charity (PKD) Charity, which I have volunteered with before. If anyone would like to make any donations via JustGiving, I’d be very grateful.
I would choose The Truman Show, just so I can let Jim Carrey know he’s in a reality TV show and spoil the surprise.
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